Alternative Investments

RisCura is the leading provider of alternative investment and related services to investors in Africa.

Alternative investments can be a powerful tool in portfolio construction as their contrarian nature allows them to buck market trends, resulting in a more diversified and robust portfolio. Because of their nature, alternative investments are generally complex, have unique regulatory environments and varying degrees of risk. But, with our background in risk analysis and institutional investment, it is precisely these challenges that make us well-suited to this investment sphere. We work in partnership with our clients to deliver the transparency and accountability that is increasingly demanded by investors and auditors.

Our experience in unlisted investments has led to the development of an advanced skillset concentrating on accurate valuation, due diligence, risk and performance reporting, private equity portfolio construction, monitoring, research and modelling. And these skillsets, in tandem with our administrative experience managing complex institutional portfolios, mean we are uniquely qualified to navigate this complicated investment landscape.

Our clients include private equity funds, hedge funds, infrastructure funds, real estate funds, credit funds, banks and other investors. We cover industries as diverse as financial services, agriculture, retail and the extractive industries. We have also compiled Africa’s largest database of unlisted asset valuation metrics, giving us a unique data advantage when evaluating unlisted assets.

Our valuation skills and use of market-leading technological platforms allow us to ascertain risk and reward more accurately, while our experience in venture capital, hedge funds, private equity and derivatives allows us to bring a wide variety of asset classes to portfolio construction.

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