Equity strategies

Asset class
Multi-manager, South African CIS, Irish QIAIF, Irish UCITS
Emerging markets, China, Africa, South Africa
Strategy Size
Strategy Start date
South Africa, Ireland
Equity exposure allows investors to participate in economic growth by investing into shares issued by different types of companies in search of dividend income and capital gains from appreciating share prices. The most common types of equity investments are listed stocks and private equity shares. An equity strategy may be largely passive – following a market index – or seek to outperform the market by researching and selecting companies whose prospects are not accurately recognised by the market. RisCura predominantly allocates to active strategies. Equity strategies are usually categorised along geographical lines, but also according to specific investment “styles”, such as “growth” and “value”.


Strong capabilities
In addition to our strengths across the investment arena, RisCura brings uncommonly strong capabilities in research and a deep understanding of risk management in both emerging and mainstream markets. This helps our clients achieve significant investment returns by blending specialist mandates and management styles together, while ensuring managers’ portfolio holdings continue to maximise diversification benefits.


Evidence-based approach
We look carefully at managers’ investment philosophies and processes, while verifying that appropriate licences, insurance, sound corporate governance and compliance procedures are implemented. We further support this with stock-based risk models that analyse managers’ portfolios and make careful assessment of the success a manager is likely to bring to the investor’s performance.