
RisCura and UCTGSB launch sixth African Investing for Impact Barometer

The 6th edition of the African Investing for Impact Barometer (AIFIB) released today – covering approximately USD650bn in assets dedicated to one or more investing for impact (IFI) strategies— showcases the most comprehensive and up-to-date IFI research in Southern, West and East Africa. It demonstrates that Africa is not a laggard when compared globally, offering investors vibrant investment opportunities.

The AIFIB, a partnership with the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business and global investment firm RisCura, surveyed 2640 funds from 382 fund managers in sub-Saharan Africa and scored them based on their implementation of IFI strategies, namely, ESG integration, investor engagement, screening, sustainability-themed investment and impact investing.

The report’s director of publication, Associate Professor, Stephanie Giamporcaro, says notably that there has been progress in the strategies, particularly in ESG integration, since the barometer first launched in 2013 — hiring ESG professionals and disclosing more precisely how ESG is integrated into investment processes and how investors engage on environmental and social issues, and not only on the governance aspects.

The research findings show that the investing for impact strategy that is most widely implemented is ESG Integration — USD337.2bn in assets under management follow this strategy. The second and third-highest amounts of assets amongst the IFI strategies are Screening (USD231.3bn) and Investor Engagement (USD145bn).

Regionally, the research shows that ESG integration is the leading IFI strategy in Southern Africa and East Africa, attracting more than USD320bn and USD7.63bn in assets, respectively. However, Sustainability-themed investment is the leading strategy in West Africa, attracting USD15.8bn in assets. The countries which show the highest amount of assets invested according to one or more IFI strategies are South Africa (with an outsized USD600bn) followed by Nigeria and Kenya.

Overall, Impact investing (USD60.6bn) and Sustainability-themed investment (USD72.6bn) continue to attract the least amount of assets relative to other IFI strategies despite showing the most potential for demonstrable impact. These strategies remain niche compared to the other IFI strategies but there is a notable jump in reported impact investing assets.

“The growth of Impact investing and Sustainability-themed investment strategies is heavily dependent on decisions taken by market makers such as financial regulatory bodies and also political forces. In Southern Africa, there is growth, for example, in sustainable infrastructure funds that is linked to the renewed appetite for infrastructure investment. In Kenya, some interesting innovative products have recently been created. These are called diaspora funds and are accessible to the local and overseas retail market,” says Giamporcaro.

Lead researcher Xolisa Dhlamini agrees and says that the barometer provides data that can push positive change in the impact investing industry.

“The barometer is a powerful tool to identify excellence and developmental areas amongst fund managers in the investing for impact market. We have observed an improvement in transparency regarding IFI processes and policies by fund managers. Some are seeing opportunities to innovate in offering customised ratings and ESG services to institutional investors to advance IFI implementation in the industry,” says Dhlamini.

However, both agree there is still some way to go (and probably a paradigm shift needed) for investment professionals implementing these strategies to demonstrate and measure the true impact these strategies have on society and the environment.

“If we look at Investor engagement, it is one process to show that companies are being asked questions on climate change, but it is another to demonstrate how that engagement is contributing to change the disclosure behaviour of an entire sector and then how that disclosure has contributed to lower the total emissions of that sector,” says Giamporcaro.

The barometer’s scoring approach thus provides useful indicators for firms implementing these IFI strategies on what it will take to become leaders in impact. Important amongst these indicators is the ability of these firms to measure and demonstrate the true societal and environmental impact of implementing these IFI strategies.

RisCura’s head of responsible investing, Adam Bennot, says RisCura is delighted to have been involved in and contributed to this important research initiative.

“For long-term investors investing on the African continent, sustainability has become top of mind. How we invest has a real impact on our environment and society, and achieving the required returns over the long term will require a sustainable and inclusive economy. This is why we at RisCura are proud to partner with the UCT Graduate School of Business to launch the 6th edition of African Investing for Impact Barometer. The larger the amount of assets investing for impact means more assets investing in our real economy to enable inclusive economic growth, drive real change and deliver sustainable long-term returns for investors.”

Read the full report here: African Investing for Impact Barometer

View previous reports here.